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Hello! I’m Daryl Joy Gonzales,
Founder of Oli Skin.

You’re one fantastic lady for being here. It means you’re on a journey to take good care of your skin. I’m so honored to be on this journey with you.

Hello! I’m Daryl Joy Gonzales, <br>Founder of Oli Skin.
Growing Up

Growing Up

I spent my early childhood days day in Trento, a municipality in Agusan del Sur, a four-hour ride from Davao City. Growing up as a teenager, I only relied on baby powder and tinted lip gloss to enhance my natural features. I also dealt with the most common skin condition every teenager has to face: acne marks.

Because I came from a low-income family with little educational knowledge, I had one piece of product both for my face and body: Safeguard soap. There wasn’t any skin care product I could think of that could help with my acne issues. There were no products specially formulated for teens with sensitive skin. It was scary for me to try those products on shelves of supermarkets.

On TV or radio, I could hardly find commercials for skin care products that are for teenagers. My parents didn’t bother helping me out because what could they do? They have to prioritize our basic needs. A product for my acne or face isn’t too urgent. Naturally, my friends couldn’t help either. We were all naive about what we should do to look after our skin.

The Birth of Oli Skin

The Birth of Oli Skin

I’ve always wanted to build a business. Along the way, it was hard to decide what company to build. But I always knew that taking care of my skin could bring me to places as soon as I could make money on my own. The more I cared for my skin, the more I was presentable to people I came across. The more people I encounter, the better opportunities I get.

Today that I’m in a better position in life, I want to create a business that would improve my life, not just any business, but something that the beauty market hasn’t focused on yet.

I remember my life in high school, where I was dealing with acne, which affected my self-esteem. That’s why I realized that I have an opportunity to empower teens who deal with a similar situation. I want them to enjoy high school because of acne or skin itching. I want every teen to enjoy their youth without worrying about skin conditions. So I thought, why not build Oli Skin.

Today is only the beginning of Oli Skin as we develop the everyday essentials first to address the needs of our beloved teens.

One is never too young to start skincare in their life.
You don’t have to:

• Wait till after college.
• Wait till you get your first job.
• Rely on imported and expensive products.
• Use products formulated for adults
• Apply products made from harsh ingredients.
• Set aside colossal cash to buy your favorite products.

The youth needs affordable, plant-based, quality, and safe skincare products that are manufactured by Oli Skin.

Who is Oli Skin for?

Who is Oli Skin for?

Did you know that good skin care should begin in your teens? Your body is already starting to change dramatically. Your body undergoes a series of transformations once it hits adolescence.

That’s why an effective skincare routine can help keep your skin in its best condition. It will help you minimize acne issues and many other skin conditions, plus that will help you stop the signs of premature aging.

Isn’t that what you want, my dear teenager?

Oli Skin will help you learn skincare basics at a price you can afford. The ladies and gents will always have the Oli Skin product right for you.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you

With all my loving thoughts,
